Since its founding in 1934, the Butler County Historical Society (BCHS) has preserved the rich heritage of our community. A variety of local programs,
constantly changing exhibits, lectures and traveling exhibits reach various audiences throughout the area.
The BCHS serves as a unique link between today and our community’s past. It must be sustained for future generations and it takes resources to accomplish this goal.
Through the generosity of many, the BCHS has an endowment fund dedicated to preserving and perpetuating the Society’s operations and programming.
Currently, over 70 percent of our operating expenses are funded by the endowment. We would not be able to operate without these funds.
Over the years, the BCHS Endowment Fund has been the generous recipient of outright gifts or bequests in wills or living trusts. At the August Board of Trustees meeting, the Board established The BCHS Legacy Society. You can designate that a portion of your estate be gifted to the BCHS endowment fund upon your death through your will or trust agreement. The gift could be a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate.
At it implies, a Legacy Gift is a future gift and allows you to use your monies/funds for your needs during your lifetime.