The Journal-News is reporting that when Miami University gives Shideler Hall a face-lift in 2016, the famous globe in its lobby could be history instead of historical.

Photo by Greg Lynch/Journal-News
“The existing globe is no longer accurate as to political boundaries and names of numerous countries; it takes up a significant amount of square footage; and it is unlikely that the globe could be successfully moved, stored and reinstalled without damage,” said university spokesperson Claire Wagner.
The globe will actually be removed later this month when the building is vacated.
Although it contains out-dated geographic borders and will be replaced by a digital globe that will not have borders marked, the globe is historically significant for several reasons. It was a $15,000 gift in 1965 from Andrew S. Iddings, a Dayton lawyer and explorer, in memory of his grandfather, Daniel W. Iddings, who had been part of Miami’s class of 1842, and Shideler Hall was literally built around it. The 49-year-old globe would be worth $104,000 today, according to estimates.