BCHS Fall 2020 Newsletter
Click the link below to read our Fall 2020 Newsletter. Featured in this issue is our award winning Driving Tours, updates on the Emma Ritchie renovations, The Civil War flag restoration project, and much more! Fall 2020
Click the link below to read our Fall 2020 Newsletter. Featured in this issue is our award winning Driving Tours, updates on the Emma Ritchie renovations, The Civil War flag restoration project, and much more! Fall 2020
Join us for our Winter Lecture Series via Zoom Meetings. To register please call (513-896-9930) or email (info.bchistoricalsociety.com). Links will be emailed out the day prior to the lecture date. Topics will be as follows: January 28th: "Spanish Influenza in Butler County" February 25th: "George W. White, Butler County Portrait Painter" March 25th: "Groundhogs, April
The long struggle to gain the vote for women started in the first half of the 19th Century and ended with the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920. Butler County women joined in this fight at the beginning of the 20th Century. Women's clubs, church groups, and other staged events organized by local suffrage
Join us for our second instalment of the Stay Safe Summer Multigenerational Programs. BCHS Docent Ed Creighton, on location from his farm, teaches how recycling was done in the Pioneer times. Click the link below, or access the video from our new YouTube channel. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/W0R9j4d5aRo
The first of the 2020 Stay Safe Summer Multigenerational Summer programs will cover the topic of 1800's Medicine. https://youtu.be/GMxV2ZFxCq8
"Lest We Forget" In 1868, General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR: a fraternal organization of Union veterans who severed in the American Civil War), declared May 30, 1868 as a national day of remembrance for those who died in the fight to preserve the Union. Known as
Victory Gardens began during World War I as a way of providing food for people in America. When World War II began, the popularity of Victory Gardens made a resurgence, and by the end of the war, over 20 million gardens had been planted! During the Coronavirus Pandemic, Victory Gardens have once again become popular.
The final section of our Butler County Historical Driving Tours is now available! Click the link below to upload the BCHS Drive Tour – Hamilton, to discover and learn about the Historical Markers featured throughout the City of Hamilton. BCHS_HamiltonTour (1)
The fourth section of our Butler County Historical Driving Tours is now available! Click the link below to upload the BCHS Drive Tour – Oxford, to discover and learn about the Historical Markers featured in Northwestern Butler County including the areas of Oxford, Oxford Township, and Israel Township. BCHS Drive Tour - Oxford
You are living through History! The Covid-19 Pandemic is something our world hasn't seen in generations. Are you writing down your own personal experiences? Recording what you and your family are doing during the "Stay at Home" orders? If so, we want to hear from you! We want to archive some local experience during this