Welcome to the Butler County Historical Society and Museum
The Butler County Historical Society is a private non-profit organization that formed in 1934 to preserve and promote the history of Butler County. The society, incorporated in 1948, owns and operates the Benninghofen House Museum, a high-Italian style home built in 1863 that is filled with the furnishings of a wealthy family during the Victorian era. It also manages the Soldiers, Sailors and Pioneers Monument on Front Street and the McCloskey Wonder Works(Temporarily Closed).
What’s Happening at BCHS?
Upcoming speakers series events:
Saturday April 26, 2025 1:00pm & 3:30pm-“The Disapperance of Ron Tammen: A Deep Dive into Buried Clues, Silent Bystanders, and the Latest Evidence of What Really Happened”
Thursday May 22, 2025 7:00pm-“The Miami Valley: Ohio’s Original Jersey Shore”
Thursday June 26, 2025 7:00pm-“Hot Fun in the Summertime: Butler County’s Summer Delights of the 1950s and ’60s”
Current Exhibit
Now Open!

“Intriguing Objects & Curiosities”
“What IS that?” is a question often asked by visitors, volunteers and even staff of the Butler County Historical Society. A new exhibit in the Benninghofen Museum, “Intriguing Objects and Curiosities,” invites visitors to use their knowledge of history to identify artifacts from the Society’s basement, closets and back shelves. Categories in the exhibit include personal hygiene, clothing and accessories, medical devices, hobbies, toys, needlework, household items and more. Even easily identified objects provide a fascinating glimpse of life at an earlier time. The exhibit is available for viewing until April 30th.
The Butler County Historical Society is located at 327 N. Second Street, Hamilton, Ohio. Hours of operation are Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Tours of the Benninghofen Museum are free, however no tours will begin within an hour of closing. On and off-street parking is available. The first floor of the Benninghofen Museum is wheelchair accessible.
Upcoming Event
Run for the Hills: One Local Woman’s Journey Through the 1913 Flood

Saturday April 5, 2025 1:00PM–SOLD OUT
Due to the rapid sell out of our scheduled March 27th event, we have added a second date for the presentation.
Thursday, March 27: 7:00pm–SOLD OUT
“Run for the Hills: One Local Woman’s Journey Through the 1913 Flood”
The waters of the 1913 flood still ripple through Butler County communities to this day. Hamilton Educator and author Kristie Bunger discusses her personal journey of how taking her family’s history and stories of surviving the flood and her own personal research on the topic led to her new children’s book “Run for the Hills: A Story of Survival During the Great Flood of 1913 in Hamilton, Ohio.” A must for those interested in the flood or looking to capture their own family stories. Her book is available for purchase at the BCHS, support by buying local! Kristie will be signing her book at the event.
Admission is free for BCHS members or $5.00 for non-members payable at the door. Reservations are required-and limited to 100-please use the link below to make an online reservation. If you have any questions please call the BCHS at 513-896-9930.